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9th Grade World Geography Syllabus
Teacher Information
Name- Cord Flory or Coach Flory
Phone Number- (972) 435-1020
Tutoring- Wednesday & Friday during B lunch (12:38-1:08)
Conference Period- 8th Period (2:01-2:46)
Course Description
The study of World Geography focuses on the relationships among people, places, and environments that
result in geographic patterns on the earth. This year we will learn about the cultures of other countries
across the world and what makes them unique.
Course Objectives
- To learn how to understand a map and all of its features.
- To learn about different geographical features such as landscapes and climates.
- To understand and appreciate different cultures.
Grading Policy
Throughout this course we will have at least 12 grades, 3 major and 9 minor, every 6 weeks. Some weeks we might have more but at the minimum we will have 12 per 6 weeks. The percentage split for these major and minor grades will be as follows:
- Major Grades- 60%
- Minor Grades- 40%
Tests will be allowed to be made up for up to an 80% as long as they are made up within 3 days of the grade being posted in the grade book. All late grades (with exception of excused absences) turned in the next day have a max grade of an 80. Any assignment turned in 2-5 days late will have a max grade of a 50. Any assignment turned in 6 or more days late will be a 0. Attached are my classroom rules and expectations. Please look over them and email me with any questions. I look forward to a great school year!
Dear Parents or Guardian,
I will be your child’s World Geography teacher this year. In order to give all students in the classroom the educational opportunities they deserve, the following classroom rules and discipline plan will be in effect at all times. All class notes and assignments will be posted using Google Classroom.
When in the classroom, students must comply with the following rules:
- BE ON TIME – When the tardy bell rings, you are to be in your seat and ready for work. Personal items should be put away.
- BE PREPARED – Each day you are expected to have a textbook, chromebook, notebook/binder, notebook paper, pencil (with eraser), and any homework that is due. To benefit fully from class discussions, homework needs to be complete and on time.
- FOLLOW DIRECTIONS – Be attentive so you can benefit from class discussions.
- TALK APPROPRIATELY – Different activities mean different talking expectations. (During lesson explanation or independent practice, raise your hand to speak. Remain silent when another student has been called on. During group work, low talking is appropriate as long as it pertains to the lesson. During tests, no talking is allowed until all are turned in.)
- STAY ON TASK – I expect you to be participating in whatever we are doing. During class discussion, you are to be attentive. During work time, you are to be working on the assignment.
- RESPECT OTHERS – Treat others, as you would want to be treated. We need to help those who need it and praise those who deserve it.
- FOLLOW STUDENT HANDBOOK RULES – All such rules apply in the classroom.
If a student breaks a rule or rules, consequences are as follows:
If a student is a severely disruptive or a repeat offender over a short period of time, he or she will be referred to the principal immediately.
Grading will be weighted as follows:
- Major 60%
- Minor 40%
Tutoring times will be at lunch Wednesday - Friday by appointment. Anyone is welcome to come to tutorials.
In order for these rules and discipline plan to have the greatest effect, I need the support of students and parents. I expect us to have a productive year. My conference period is 8th period (2:01 to 2:46). I welcome parent involvement and appreciate any chance to communicate about your child’s learning. Phone calls are also beneficial. Please call (972-435-1020) and the office will transfer you to talk to me or to make an appointment for a meeting. My email address is Please discuss this letter with your child, and then sign one copy for my files, the other copy is yours to keep. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Cord Flory